Completed Surveys​

Overview and Results​

The following surveys have already been completed:

  • ThULB user survey on the range of services (online), 2021
  • online survey on the Mission Statement of the University of Jena, 2020
  • online survey on the evaluation of the break disc in the ThULB, 2020
  • two-stage online survey on the awarding of the teaching prize in psychology on behalf of the student representative committee of psychology de 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
  • evaluation of the courses of the Integrated Doctoral School (iRTG) Polytarget 2018
  • survey for the lecture theatre cinema (HörsaalkinoExternal link) 2017
  • written surveys of the service users of the Central Office for Teaching Evaluation (Universitätsprojekt Lehrevaluation, ULe) (learn more)
  • online visitor survey at the Long Night of Sciences (Lange Nacht der WissenschaftenExternal link) 2005, 2007, 2017 (learn more)
  • large-scale paper-based surveys of the works council and staff on behalf of the Institute of SociologyExternal link 2010, 2011
  • situation report on course evaluation (learn more)
  • empirical studies on the "Competence profile of young academic staff" (learn more)
  • online survey on the further training needs of staff in teaching & research (learn more)
  • online survey "Future of course evaluation" with in-depth telephone interviews, 2007
  • online survey "Competence development for university staff" with in-depth interviews, 2007
  • hybrid survey (paper and online) "Leadership behaviour of professors" with in-depth interviews, 2008
  • online survey "Higher education didactics in change", 2006

User surveys​

The Central Office for Teaching Evaluation (Universitätsprojekt Lehrevaluation, ULe) regularly surveys lecturers' satisfaction with the course evaluation services. The results of the most recent survey can be found here:

User survey 2014pdf, 589 kb · de

The results of previous user surveys are also archived for comparison.

User survey 2008/09pdf, 637 kb · de
User survey 2004pdf, 88 kb · de
User survey 2003pdf, 133 kb · de

Long Night of Sciences​

In cooperation with the organisers, the Central Office for Teaching Evaluation (Universitätsprojekt Lehrevaluation, ULe) conducted visitor surveys for the Long Night of Sciences in 2005, 2007 and 2017. You can find the result reports here:

Result report on the visitor survey 2017pdf, 397 kb · de
Result report on the online visitor survey 2007pdf, 176 kb · de
Result report on the online visitor survey 2005pdf, 83 kb · de

Situation report on course evaluation​

In the course of the academic year 2003/04, the Central Office for Teaching Evaluation (Universitätsprojekt Lehrevaluation, ULe) was commissioned by the university leadership to survey and evaluate the current status of course evaluation at the FSU. The two-stage survey procedure included detailed written information from the faculties, followed by in-depth interviews with the deans or deans for student affairs and evaluation officers of all ten faculties. In addition to the current status, the situation report also discusses goals and future perspectives for course evaluation at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Situation report 2004 pdf, 220 kb · de

The situation report 2004 on course evaluation is the first complete overview of the use of the different approaches to course evaluation at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.

Competence profile​

Only a fraction of the young employees in research and/or teaching who take up a position at a university or university of applied sciences today can assume long-term employment prospects. For them, it is important to prepare flexibly and comprehensively for the challenges in alternative professional fields. But even those who will continue to work as academics at universities in the future are expected to have a competence profile that goes beyond the subject matter: social and personal competence, methodological competence and the universally applicable key competences are added.

The starting point of the competence development project is the idea of enabling university staff to realistically assess their own competences, to define professional development goals and to plan and select self-directed offers that are helpful in the long-term development of competences, if possible already at the beginning of their employment. At the centre of this is the competence profile instrument: this checklist includes the most important competences for working as a university employee. Using the competence profile, young university employees first describe their current competence profile and their development goals. In the following step, they then select specific measures and offers that they would like to use for their own competence development.

Within the framework of this project, the professional situation of young academic staff at universities was researched in 2006/2007. The aim was to develop concepts and support services for the 'university workplace'.

A first result of this work is the 'competence profile'. With the competence profile, young academic staff can assess the current status and future development lines of their job-related competences. Against this background, concrete steps for goal-oriented further development (attending workshops, conferences, working on publications, etc.) can be selected, planned and implemented.

Competence profile for self-assessment and assessment of job-related competences [PDF, 127 KB]pdf, 127 kb · de

Our studies suggest that competence development at the university is primarily self-directed. However, important impulses for professional development at the 'workplace university' also arise at the collegial level (in networks of young academic staff), in exchange with superiors or with advisors (coaching, supervision or informal counselling). We have compiled examples of how the competence profile can be used in four 'contexts of use'.

Contexts of use for the competence profile [PDF, 159 KB]pdf, 159 kb · de
Brief report on the 'university workplace' [PDF, 165 KB]pdf, 165 kb · de

Further training needs of staff in teaching & research​

From August to December 2005, the Central Office for Teaching Evaluation (Universitätsprojekt Lehrevaluation, ULe) conducted a Thuringia-wide online survey of academic staff in teaching and research. 204 people from all universities took part in the online survey on the status of further training, which was funded by the Innovation Fund of the Free State of Thuringia. The focus was on the three areas of competence

  • subject-specific competence
  • didactic competence
  • management/leadership competence

The results show that the existing offers for the competence development of young university employees should be integrated more into the everyday work at the university in terms of content, time and concept in order to achieve a greater effectiveness of the measures. You can find the result report here:

Brief report online further training needs analysis [PDF, 78 KB]pdf, 78 kb · de