Stamp Envelope Questionnaire


Our questionnaires and presentations of results
Stamp Envelope Questionnaire
Image: Gerasimos Papakostopoulos

Basic Questionnaire

The Basic Questionnaire can be used to evaluate the most important aspects of a course from your point of view as a lecturer as well as from the point of view of your participants. This questionnaire is suitable for all types of courses.

Up to five Add-on Modules can be added.

German versions:
Basisfragebogen für Studierendepdf, 681 kb · de
Basisfragebogen für Lehrpersonenpdf, 791 kb · de

English versions:
Basic Questionnaire for Studentspdf, 679 kb 
Basic Questionnaire for Lecturerpdf, 209 kb

Add-on Modules (in addition to the Basic Questionnaire)

In addition to the Basic Questionnaire, up to 5 further Add-on Modules can be selected when registering an evaluation. By selecting different Add-on Modules, you can individualize your questionnaire and inquire about exactly those aspects of your course that are of particular interest to you. In this way, we hope to meet the specific requirements of the various course types and disciplines.



Add-on Modules for different course types

General Add-on Modules

Add-on Modules for digital teaching


Information on the language selection

Depending on whether you selected the German "Basisfragebogen" or the English "Basic Questionnaire" when registering, you will be offered the Add-on Modules in the respective language for selection.

Here on our website, you can switch between the German (DE) and English (EN) variants by clicking on the corresponding language option in the top right-hand corner.

Add-on Modules for different course types

With these Add-on Modules, the following course types can be evaluated in more detail:

  • Lecture

    The Lecturer ... (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • conveys even complicated contents clearly and understandably.
    • uses media and visualization (slides, blackboard, presentation, ...) in a helpful way.
    • offers the participants sufficient opportunities to participate in the discussion.
    • appears competent.


  • Seminar (consisting of 2 Add-on Modules)

    Seminar: Behavior of the lecturer

    The Lecturer ... (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • makes the content and goals of the participant’s contributions clear.
    • supports participants adequately in the preparation of their contributions.
    • gives constructive feedback on the participant contributions.
    • supplements the participant contributions meaningfully.
    • encourages questions and active participation.
    • divides the course time sensibly (into lectures, discussions, clarification of questions, …).


    Seminar: Contributions of Participants

    The contributions of the participants ... (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • are presented appropriately (media use, handout, etc.).
    • are didactically well prepared (structuring, clarity, etc.).
    • are at an appropriate level in terms of content.
    • contribute to the understanding of the subject matter.
  • Exercise/Tutorial (consisting of 2 Add-on Modules)

    Exercise/Tutorial: Behavior of the lecturer

    The Lecturer ... (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • supports participants appropriately in working on the tasks.
    • evaluates the results and solutions in detail with the participants.
    • approaches results in a way that allows learning from mistakes.
    • encourages questions and active participation.
    • coordinates this course well with the main lecture.
    • answers questions competently and understandably.


    Exercise/Tutorial: Tasks

    The tasks, practical excercises etc. ... (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • are expressed in an understandable way.
    • are of appropriate difficulty.
    • build well on the knowledge of the main lecture.
    • contribute to a deeper understanding of the contents.
    • are discussed or corrected in a comprehensible manner.

General Add-on Modules

  • Workload

    Please assess your workload for this course. (Response scale: "too low" to "too high")

    • The workload that is expected for that course is ...
    • The amount of work that I put into that course is ...
    • The amount of content covered in the course is ...
    • For me the pace of the course feels ...
    • The level of the course is ...

    How many sessions of the course did you miss? (Response scale: 0,1,2,3,>4)

  • General Conditions

    Please evaluate the general conditions of your course. (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • The spatial conditions (size of the room, quality of the building, location, ...) are sufficient for this course.
    • The time frame of the course (e.g. date, duration, overlaps) is appropriate.
    • The equipment (technology, WiFi availability, models, ...) is appropriate for this course.
    • The provided supplementary materials (literature, script, ...) are helpful.
    • Overall, I am satisfied with the general conditions of the course.
  • Free Items

    If specific aspects of your course are not covered by our questionnaires or Add-on Modules, you can address your own topics in the "Free Items" Add-on Module. For this purpose, the following item formats are available:

    Rating scale
    In this advanced module, you can formulate up to 6 individual statements yourself. These statements must be assessable on a five-point scale. You can freely determine the poles of the response scale (e.g. ‘disagree’ to ‘agree’).

    Free text
    In this advanced module, you can ask 2 open questions, which are answered by the participants in a short comment.

Add-on Modules for digital teaching

In the Corona pandemic, digital teaching took on a whole new meaning. With these Add-on Modules, the following aspects can be evaluated in more detail:

  • Working with digital media and tools

    The digital media and tools used ... (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • make it easier for me to learn on my own.
    • help to present complex relationships in an understandable way.
    • help me to stay mentally alert.
    • motivate me to work continuously during the semester.
    • help me to test my own level of knowledge/learning progress.
    • require a reasonable effort in relation to the personal benefit.
  • Interaction in the digital environment

    Please assess the interaction in the digital environment. (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • Working in the digital space encourages me to voice questions, suggestions or problems of understanding.
    • I received helpful feedback (from lecturers or fellow students).
    • Digital group work (e.g. in breakout sessions) is designed to be meaningful and instructive.
    • The ratio of synchronous teaching (everyone present at the same time) and asynchronous work (everyone working on their own) is well chosen.
    • There were disruptions so that I could not work/learn efficiently (e.g. content not available, poor internet connection, problems with operation).
  • Working with a learning platform (e.g. Moodle)

    Please assess the work with the learning platform (e.g. Moodle). (Response scale: "to a small extent" to "to a large extent")

    • The materials are clearly stored on the learning platform and are easy to find.
    • Accompanying the course, the contents were constantly updated and expanded.
    • By using the learning platform, I intensively engaged with the course content.
    • I actively use the learning platform (write posts, ask or answer questions).
    • I exchange information with the lecturer and/or fellow students on the learning platform.
    • The lecturer moderates and encourages interaction on the learning platform.
  • General conditions of videos/live broadcasts

    Please assess the general conditions of the videos/live broadcasts. (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • I was satisfied with the picture quality.
    • I was satisfied with the audio quality.
    • The length of the videos/live screencasts was appropriate.
    • The scope of the material in the individual videos/live screencasts was appropriate.
    • The videos were sensibly subdivided/prepared (jump labels, chapters).
    • I could access the videos/live screencasts without any problems (e.g. download, open, participate in calls/live broadcasts).
  • Promotion of media skills

    Through the use of the digital media and tools in this course I have … (Response scale: "to a small extent" to "to a large extent")

    • learned how to use digital media in a targeted way. 
    • enhanced my technical skills in using digital media.
    • enhanced my ability to communicate in virtual spaces. 
    • developed my practical skills in media production (e.g. creating websites, a podcast).
    • acquired practical skills in the use of digital media for professional life.
  • Digital teaching: own compilation

    If only individual items from the Add-on Modules for digital teaching are of interest to you, you can put together your own selection of up to six items from the other modules for digital teaching in this Add-on Module.

Module combinations for lecture, seminar or exercise/tutorial

Before the transition to our modular system, there were separate questionnaires in our portfolio for the most common course formats (lecture, seminar, exercise/tutorial). If you would like to continue using these proven questionnaires, you can select them at the beginning of your evaluation registration. In the further course of the registration, the questionnaires are composed of the Basic Questionnaire and certain Add-on Modules. Thus, you have the possibility to add further Add-on Modules or to change your selection if necessary.


Basic Questionnaire + following Add-on Modules:

  • Lecture
  • Workload

Up to 3 further Add-on Modules can be added.

German versions:
Fragebogen Vorlesung für Studierendepdf, 809 kb · de
Fragebogen Vorlesung für Lehrpersonenpdf, 804 kb · de

English versions:
Questionnaire Lecture for Studentspdf, 781 kb
Questionnaire Lecture for Lecturerpdf, 808 kb


Basic Questionnaire + following Add-on Modules:

  • Seminar: Behavior of the lecturer
  • Seminar: Contributions of Participants
  • Workload

Up to 2 further Add-on Modules can be added.

German versions:
Fragebogen Seminar für Studierendepdf, 813 kb · de
Fragebogen Seminar für Lehrpersonenpdf, 810 kb · de

English versions:
Questionnaire Seminar for Studentspdf, 788 kb
Questionnaire Seminar for Lecturerpdf, 816 kb


Basic Questionnaire + following Add-on Modules:

  • Exercise/Tutorial: Behavior of the lecturer
  • Exercise/Tutorial: Tasks
  • Workload

Up to 2 further Add-on Modules can be added.

German versions:
Fragebogen Übung/Tutorium für Studierendepdf, 811 kb · de
Fragebogen Übung/Tutorium für Lehrpersonenpdf, 805 kb · de

English versions:
Questionnaire Exercise/Tutorial for Studentspdf, 782 kb
Questionnaire Exercise/Tutorial for Lecturerpdf, 810 kb

Questionnaire for Workshops

This questionnaire can be used to evaluate qualification and further training courses from the participants' point of view. Here, there is also a Basic Questionnaire for Workshops, which can optionally be supplemented with further Add-on Modules.

Basic Questionnaire for Workshops

The Basic Questionnaire for Workshops can be used to evaluate the main aspects of a course. Thus, it can also be used as a stand-alone questionnaire.

Up to 4 Add-on Modules for Workshops can be added.

German version: Basisfragebogen für Workshopspdf, 669 kb · de

English version: Basic Questionnaire for Workshopspdf, 667 kb

Add-on Modules for Workshops

In addition to the Basic Questionnaire for Workshops, up to 4 further Add-on Modules for Workshops can be selected. This allows the questionnaire to be individualised in order to enquire about exactly those aspects that are of particular interest in this course. In this way, we hope to meet the specific requirements of the various institutions offering workshops and further training courses at the University of Jena.

Information on the language selection

Depending on whether you selected the German "Fragebogen für Workshops" or the English "Questionnaire for Workshops" when registering, you will be offered the Add-on Modules in the respective language for selection.

Here on our website, you can switch between the German (DE) and English (EN) variants by clicking on the corresponding language option in the top right-hand corner.

General Add-on Modules for Workshops

  • Assessment of the Participants

    Please assess the behavior of the participants. (Response scale: "low" to "high")

    • The level of engagement from the participants was ...
    • The prior knowledge of the participants was ...
    • The interest and attention of the participants were ...
    • Respect and appreciation among participants were ...
  • Practical Exercises / Tasks

    Please assess the practical exercises / tasks (e.g. group work, assignments, individual work phases). (Response scale: "too low" to "too high")

    • The number of tasks/exercises performed was ...
    • The difficulty level of the tasks/exercises was ...
    • The allocated time for the tasks/exercises was ...
    • The number of application examples was ...
    • The support provided by the instructor for completing the tasks was ...
  • Work Context

    Please relate the course to your work context. (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • My participation in this course is viewed positively by my supervisor/mentor.
    • The course complements the content of my work in a meaningful way.
    • The acquired knowledge/skills are very helpful for my work at the university.
    • The acquired knowledge/skills are very helpful for my professional development.
  • General Conditions

    Please evaluate the general conditions of this course. (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • The organization by the coordinating entity proceeded smoothly (registration, directions, payment, etc.).
    • The spatial conditions (location, size, acoustics, technology, etc.) were good.
    • The time frame (duration, time, date, etc.) was well chosen.
    • The group size was appropriate.
    • The provided supplementary materials (handouts, documents, literature references, etc.) were helpful.
    • The time management within the course (breaks, adherence to the schedule, etc.) was good.
  • Digital Elements of the Course

    Please assess the digital elements of the course. (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • The interaction in the digital space was well moderated and promoted exchange among participants.
    • In the digital space, it was easy for me to ask questions, provide suggestions, or express difficulties in understanding.
    • Digital group work (e.g. breakout sessions) was meaningful and educational.
    • The digital tools used enhanced learning in the course.
    • The digital tools/methods used helped me to stay mentally alert.
    • There were disruptions, which prevented me from working/learning efficiently (e.g. unavailable content, poor internet connection, operational issues).
  • Free Items

    If specific aspects of your course are not covered by our Add-on Modules, you can formulate up to six individual questions yourself in the "Free Items" Add-on Module. These questions must be answerable on a five-point scale. You can freely determine the poles of this response scale (e.g. "disagree" to "agree").

Specific Add-on Modules for Workshops

  • JEMID: Working Context and Exemption

    (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • My participation in this course is viewed positively by my supervisor/mentor.
    • The course complements the content of my work in a meaningful way.
    • The acquired knowledge/skills are very helpful for my work at the hospital.
    • The acquired knowledge/skills are very helpful for my professional development.

    (Response scale: "no "/ "yes")

    • I was given time off for the synchronous workshop time.
    • I was given time off for the asynchronous self-study period.
  • JEMID: Self-Study

    (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • The self-study helped me prepare for the synchronous teaching phase.
    • The moodle room is intuitive to use.
    • I wish for more asynchronous self-study time.

    (Response scale: "< 3" bis "> 15")

    • Approximately how many hours did you spend on self-study for this course?
  • ZSB: Central Student Advisory Service

    (Response scale: "disagree" to "agree")

    • The workshop's objectives were communicated clearly.
    • The participants' expectations were discussed.
    • The workshop instructor was open towards the participants.
    • The workshop facilitated exchange and collaboration among the participants.
    • The mix of input/lecture and practical components was well-balanced.
    • The workshop instructor informed the participants about confidentiality and handling of personal data.


Presentations of results

Once the data has been evaluated, the results of your evaluation are automatically sent to you by e-mail and archived in your evaluation account. The following files will be made available to you:

Information on the language selection
The result files are written in the same language as the questionnaire used for the evaluation.

Report of Results

The individual Report of Results consists of several sections. At the beginning there is an explanation of the statistical analyses. This is followed by the sample description, the results of the evaluation in the form of summary tables and graphs, and the students' free responses. Finally, the report includes a certificate for the lecturer (in the case of Co-Teaching, each lecturer receives an individual certificate).

German version: Ergebnisberichtpdf, 641 kb · de

English version: Report of Resultspdf, 623 kb 

Presentation "Evaluation in Dialogue (EDi)"

With the help of the presentation template "Evaluation in Dialogue" you can better compare and discuss the results with your students or also with colleagues during the dialogue phase. The presentation starts with an outline as well as a short explanation of the underlying concept. This is followed by the sample description, the results of the evaluation in the form of summary tables and graphs, and a compilation of the students' free responses. The conclusion slide can be used for the transition to the discussion.

German version: Präsentation "EDi"pdf, 597 kb · de

English version: Presentation "EDi"pdf, 591 kb

Short Summary

The Short Summary presents the results of the evaluation in excerpts. It includes an abbreviated sample description, as well as the results of the evaluation in the form of graphs. Only a selection of the students' free answers is presented.
This form of presentation is suitable, for example, to make the results of the evaluation available to students as a notice in your department. Many lecturers also use this form of presentation of results if they want to use the results of their evaluation for an application.

German version: Kurzzusammenfassungpdf, 345 kb · de

English version: Short Summarypdf, 340 kb